Soprog in sin predsednice Aleš in Maks Musar sta obiskala ukrajinske otroke v Slavini pri Postojni.

Photo: Office of the President of the Republic of Slovenia

Dr Musar and son visited children from Ukraine, living in Slovenia

The spouse and son of the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Aleš and Maks Musar, paid a visit to children from the Ukrainian orphan house, who were evacuated from Luhansk region and are now housed in the village Slavina near Postojna. The children were particularly excited to meet Nala and Pipa, Presidential family's pet Chihuahuas, which Dr Musar and Maks brought along. The children played with dogs and also sang a heart-warming Ukrainian song.

Slavina pri Postojni, 4 Apr 2024

The staff of the orphanage, who came with the children from Ukraine, along with Slovenian staff led by Cvetka Kernel and volunteers, take excellent care of the lively group of children and teach them to preserve their Ukrainian language and culture. The children quickly learned Slovenian as well and sang the song "Kuža pazi" (Dog, Watch Out) especially for Nala and Pipa. Together with the teacher Ljuba, who moved from Ukraine to Slovenia twenty years ago, they thanked Dr Musar and Maks with a drawing, made especially for them.