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Second day of visit to Bulgaria

President of the Republic of Slovenia Nataša Pirc Musar is on an official visit to the Republic of Bulgaria.

Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 28 Feb 2024


On the second and last day of the visit, President Pirc Musar, together with the Mayor of Plovdiv, Kostadin Dimitrov, visited the park where a bust of Anton Bezenšek stands. Bezenšek was a Slovenian editor, publisher and expert on Slavic languages and stenography. He was a pioneer of stenography for Slavic languages and developed Bulgarian stenography. In Plovdiv, where he lived until he died , he was actively involved in many social areas and thus brought together the Slovenian and Bulgarian cultures. The President paid homage to him by laying flowers at his statue.

Pirc Musar concluded the official visit to Bulgaria with a lecture and discussion with students at the University of Plovdiv. The main topics of discussion were climate change, the dangers of disinformation and cybersecurity, which are the challenges facing young people and which will shape the life of future generations.

"The growing climate crisis is a warning that it is crucial that we join our efforts," said the President, adding that climate change is no longer a distant threat and is already present in many forms. Slovenia and Bulgaria both suffered devastating floods last year.

"You are students at a prestigious learning institution, which teaches critical thinking. Critical thinking is extremely important," she told the students. She also emphasised the importance of active citizenship at the local and regional levels.

President Pirc Musar encouraged the students to strive for their dreams and for a common, safe and just future.