Climate change and ecosystems – do not postpone until tomorrow what you can do today

We are no longer turning a blind eye to climate change. We are aware that this is a global issue, which is why its comprehensive solutions must be global. Countries may agree on many things, but the numbers show that the path from words to action is still long. Slovenia is no exception.

It is vital that we pay attention to the consequences of climate change, which may affect us particularly severely, even in areas in which we think we are safe, such as, for example, quite broad accessibility to drinking water. Water is a sought after and an increasingly rare resource and the fight for it is becoming merciless. As a result, care must be taken to preserve drinking water supplies for everyone in all months of the year.

We must also pay attention to the preservation and, in particular, the cleanliness of groundwater. But this is not all. The conservation of biodiversity is our ongoing task. And so is the insistence on renewable energy sources. We must be prepared for the consequences of environmental changes on international migration flows. The field of climate change is where intergenerational cooperation is most evident. What we do now will have consequences for the generation of our children and their descendants.

The Slovenian legislation is absolutely clear about what we can and cannot do. And we must comply with it. As the President, I will be the herald of green content. In particular, I will actively promote such content among young people, in schools and in the international community.


Objective: Consistent verification of, and attention to, the practical enforcement of Article 72 of the Constitution: "Everyone has the right in accordance with the law to a healthy living environment."

How can schools help raise awareness on climate change?

The document for schools contains a few suggestions for teachers and principals, which can help raise awareness among children and young people on climate change and contribute to protecting the environment and nature.