Govor predsednice republike na tradicionalnem sprejemu za diplomatski zbor ob začetku novega leta

Traditional reception for the diplomatic corps at the beginning of the new year

Today, the President of the Republic of Slovenia Nataša Pirc Musar and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia Dr Robert Golob held the traditional reception for the diplomatic corps at the beginning of the new year at Brdo pri Kranju.

Brdo pri Kranju, 30 Jan 2023


»Good relations with our neighbours are, of course, in our interest. This is a dynamic part of foreign policy in which challenges never run out; I believe that the will to tackle them never runs out either. International environmental protection, human rights, democracy, and the rule of law are the goals and values that I will represent in my discussions with the leaders not only of our neighbours, but of all countries,« stressed the President of the Republic, whose goals and values that she will represent in discussions with the leaders not only of our neighbours, but of all countries, will be international environmental protection, human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. »For my part, as President, as a lawyer and as someone who believes deeply in the dignity of all, I will always strive to resolve disputes peacefully,« added President Pirc Musar.

Tradicionalni sprejem za diplomatski zbor ob pričetku novega leta

»Slovenia is not a lonely island in the ocean. Slovenia is part of an international community that is nowadays confronted, above all, with global problems. Therefore, Slovenia feels obliged and responsible to contribute to policies that will tackle these problems. You can always count on me and my team to help.«


Nataša Pirc Musar, Predsident of the Republic of Slovenia