Predsednica Pirc Musar je sopredsedovala tematski okrogli mizi na visoki ravni št. 5: Soočanje s podnebnimi spremembami in podpora okolju.

Round table on addressing climate change: “There will be no true progress without the effective and inclusive cooperation of all of us”

President Nataša Pirc Musar wrapped up her attendance at the Fifth UN Conference on Least Developed Countries in Doha by co-chairing high-level round table debate No. 5: Addressing climate change and supporting the environment.

President Pirc Musar and the co-chair, Prime Minister of Tuvalu Kausea Natano, delivered opening addresses at the roundtable on addressing climate change and supporting the environment.

Doha, Qatar, 7 Mar 2023


The President of Slovenia spoke about the security aspect of climate change, stressing that it is not only a human security issue, but also an important international security issue. She pointed to the catastrophic proportions of global warming and added: “Climate change does not spare any country, while it unfortunately affects the least developed countries the most, also due to the lack of solidarity in the world.”

The President called for solidarity and noted that “there will be no true progress without the effective and inclusive cooperation of all of us, all parts of our societies, including those who are often pushed to the margins and do not sit at the same table when decisions are made, or who cooperate but are not heard.”

Dvostransko srečanje predsednice Pirc Musar s predsednikom Republike Malavi.

Climate change was also the main topic of bilateral talks on the sidelines of the Doha conference, which President Pirc Musar had with the leaders of African and small Pacific island countries, whose existence is threatened due to rising sea levels.